Page 32 - GREC14N_JSI_02
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Art+Culture | Who’s behind what

         Tzeli Hadjidimitriou
         The filmmaker

         Seeking simplicity while inspired
         by Lesvos’ magic. Αναζητώντας
         την απλότητα με έμπνευση τη
         μαγεία της Λέσβου.
         by Dimitris Golegos

        Born and raised in Lesvos, photographer,
        cinematographer, writer, traveller, artist, she
        seeks the light, the pure and the authentic
        throughout stories coloured with the pat-
        ina of time. Γέννημα θρέμμα της Λέσβου,
        φωτογράφος,  κινηματογραφίστρια,
        συγγραφέας, ταξιδευτής, καλλιτέχνις,
        αναζητά το φως, το γνήσιο και το αυθεντικό
        μέσα από ιστορίες, χρωματισμένες με την
        πατίνα του χρόνου.

        What’s so special about Lesvos? It’s a lyr-
        ical place. Relaxed and receptive. Just like
        its light. Soft and pervasive. It’s the same
        light that has inspired great painters; visi-
        tors who were enchanted by the island and
        stayed to portray it in their works of art. Po-
        ems and stories were written here. Lyrical
        poetry was born here – beginning with Sap-
        pho and leading to Elytis. It’s the same place
        that molds its people breathing into them
        strength, humour, generosity and immag-
        ination. Should you surrender to this heav-
        en, you shall become an artist.
        How came up the idea of the documenta-
        ry series “The Silent Path” with local peo-
        ple? When the financial crisis arose, I lost
        my job, my sense of security and everything
        that I took for granted or I thought was in-
        dispensable in life. Instictively, I bought a
        video camera and came to Lesvos feeling as

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