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The Talk | Richard & Anthea JSI
took a circuitous route to pursue it as a I started writing with my husband Richard
career. I attended Hunter College High and we wrote and produced two movies
Who is who School for Intellectually Gifted Young for television, one of which was nominated
by the Writers Guild of America for Best
Ladies, which was in Manhattan. It gave
RICHARD ROMANUS me the confidence that a woman could Original Screenplay. I guess you could say I
American of Lebanese do anything she wanted. I graduated had a charmed career.
descent, he attended from Barnard College where I majored ‘I love everything about Skiathos, the
Xavier University in Art History and was registered to natural beauty, the unhurried pace, but
and received a BS attend the Columbia School of Fine Arts especially the people, at least most of them.
in Philosophy, after for a Master’s degree with the aim of Our life here is simple. I can spend a half
which he left school to
pursue a career as an becoming an archaeologist. The summer hour watching two butterflies performing a
actor. He attended the after Barnard I was hired by a Broadway love dance with each other. I also function
famous Actors Studio designer to do his research, make small as Richard’s editor and illustrator. What I
in New York under Lee sketches, and finally to stay in the costume love best is I no longer have a schedule. I
Strasberg. His first house to make certain all the details were don’t do very much, which is what I love. I
major role came as the accurate. One day while sitting in the work love the monasteries, their architecture, the
character “Michael” in room it occurred to me that this was more icons, and lighting a candle for those who
Martin Scorcese’s classic interesting than 2nd century manuscripts. are no longer with us. My favorite places to
film “Mean Streets”. To my father’s chagrin I attended the eat are “Bakaliko” and “Amfiliki”.
In the following years
he performed in Parsons School of Design to pursue ‘Generally, I think Greece is the only place
numerous stage, films Costume Design instead of Archaeology in the world where filoxenia and filotimo
and television shows. which was his dream for me. exist. Other countries don’t even have an
Together with his wife, ‘My first Hollywood film was “Rosemary’s equivalent word for this behavior. I think
Anthea Sylbert, he also Baby”. How lucky was that? I was our history is proud and inspirational and
wrote and produced nominated twice for an Academy Award the world is the beneficiary.
television movies, and as a costume designer. The first time for
they were nominated “Chinatown”, the second for “Julia”. I lost Άνθεα Σίλμπερτ: Γεννήθηκα στο
for a Writers Guild of both times. But I did win an Emmy Award Μπρούκλιν ως Ανθέα Γιαννακούρου.
America award for Best
Original Screenplay in as a producer and a Lifetime Achievement Όταν ήμουν 5 χρόνων, η θεία μου η
1999. Since the end of Award as a designer. Αφροδίτη μού έμαθε να σχεδιάζω.
2001 the couple have ‘All the films I worked on were special Όποτε μου χάριζαν μια κούκλα
been living in Skiathos, in their own way and I remember them επανασχεδίαζα τα ρούχα και άλλαζα
Greece. He is the author fondly. All except “F.I.S.T.” which was a τα μαλλιά της. Οπότε, υποθέτω, ότι
of “Act III”, “Portraits of nightmare and which motivated me to ξεκίνησα ως σχεδιάστρια, αλλά έκανα
Skiathos”, “Sketches of give up costume design. Just when I had μεγάλο κύκλο μέχρι να γίνει αυτή η
Skiathos” (Aiora Press), to make a change, I received a phone δουλειά μου. Φοίτησα στο Γυμνάσιο
among other books. call offering me an executive position at Hunter College για Πνευματικά
Warner Brothers. After two and half years I Προικισμένες Δεσποινίδες, στο
went to United Artists as an Executive Vice Μανχάταν. Αυτές οι σπουδές μού
President. Some of the films I was in charge έδωσαν αυτοπεποίθηση να πιστέψω
of were “Private Benjamin” and “Splash”. ότι μια γυναίκα μπορεί να ασχοληθεί
‘Just when United Artists was taken over επαγγελματικά με ό,τι κι αν επιθυμεί.
by MGM and they started interfering with Αποφοίτησα από το κολέγιο Barnard
every decision being made at UA and the με πτυχίο στην Ιστορία της Τέχνης και
atmosphere was becoming toxic, I had γράφτηκα στη Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών του
lunch with Goldie Hawn and she suggested I Columbia για να πάρω το μάστερ μου,
leave and we start our own movie company. καθώς ήθελα να γίνω αρχαιολόγος. Το
We did 10 major films together, including καλοκαίρι της αποφοίτησής μου από το
“Swing Shift”, “Wildcats” and “Overboard”. Barnard με προσέλαβε ένας σχεδιαστής
‘When Goldie and I dissolved our company του Broadway, για να διεκπεραιώσω
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