Page 113 - GREC14N_JSI_02
P. 113


                                                              “SIMPLICITY IS NECESSARY
                                                              FOR ME TO FUNCTION
                                                              AND BE CREATIVE.
                                                              TOO MUCH CLUTTER
                                                              CONFUSES ME”

                                                                                 s an art director with
                                                                                 an enviable clientele,
                                                                                 photographer, de-
                                                                                 signer and writer, for
                                                                                 Claire Lloyd creativi-
                                                                                 ty is a way of life and
                                                                                 she uses all the senses
                                                                                 to enjoy it. Her love
                                                                                 for simplicity togeth-
                                                              Α er with a talent in in-
                                                              graining beauty in everything she does found a
                                                              new home in the unpretentious island of Lesvos.
                                                              What brought you to Lesvos and what keeps
                                                              you coming back?
                                                              I first came to Lesvos in 2005. I was living in
                                                              London and went to see my homeopath. I told
                                                              her I felt I had lost my creativity. She showed
                                                              me a photo of a stone house in a field next
                                                              to a walnut tree under piercing blue skies –
                                                              the house she had bought on Lesvos. She said
                                                              that perhaps that could be my remedy. With-
                                                              in a week I was in the island, and had found
                                                              a house to buy. Lesvos is a very special place,
                                                              a place I felt at home immediately. The light
                                                              here is pure and clear and it is a joy to wake up
                                                              to every morning. We have two small village
                                                              houses. My parents visit every two years and
                                                              we wanted them, as well as our friends, to have
                                                              a place where they could stay. I can’t resist a
                                                              home project.

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