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        Airport Guide | Information & Services



         To & From the Airport                                                 435,996*
         Από & Προς το Αεροδρόμιο                                              Passengers
         “Odysseas Elytis”
                                                                             Traffic Growth

                                                                                (Total scheduled
                                                                               flights 2017. Σύνολο
                                                                                 πτήσεων 2017)
                                                                               8 Countries
                                                                             (Total number of countries,
                                                                              including Greece, with
                                                                               flights from/to MJT.
              39° 3’11.96” N 26°36’15.72” E                                 Συνολικός αριθμός χωρών,
                                                                             συμπεριλαμβανομένης της
                                                                               Ελλάδας, με πτήσεις
                                                                                από/προς MJT)
        GPS LOCATION INFORMATION          Η ΘΕΣΗ ΜΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΧΑΡΤΗ                   16 Cities
        Use your GPS to drive to the Airport. For directions   Ελάτε στο αεροδρόμιο με GPS. Για να σας βοηθή-
        using a GPS device, find below the physical street   σουμε να έρθετε στο αεροδρόμιο με αυτοκίνητο,    (Total number of cities,
        address and the geographical coordinates of   βρείτε εδώ τη διεύθυνση και τις γεωγραφικές του   including Greece, with
        Mytilene Airport. All you need to do is enter the   συντεταγμένες. Απλώς, εισάγετέ τις στη συσκευή   flights from/to MJT.
        following information in your GPS device.   πλοήγησης (GPS) που διαθέτετε.    Συνολικός αριθμός πόλεων
        AIRPORT ADDRESS:                  ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ:                         με πτήσεις από/προς MJT)
        Mytilene Airport, Lesvos, 811 00   Αεροδρόμιο Λέσβου, Λέσβος, 811 00                         16 Airports
                                                                              (Total number of intl.
                                                                             airports, including Greece,
                                                                               with flights from/to
        ACCESS/ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗ        km away from the airport   contact:  MJT. Συνολικός αριθμός
                               and the journey takes about                   αεροδρομίων με πτήσεις
        BY CAR                 one and a half hour.  BY TAXI                    από/προς MJT)
        Airport quickly and easily, by   Plomari is 46.5 km away   Helpful information when
        driving your own car.   from the airport and the   taking a taxi to and from
        Access the Airport quickly   journey takes about one   the Airport. 24/7 metered   13 Airlines
        and easily, by driving your   hour and 20 minutes.  taxi service is available    (Total number of airlines,
        own car. Mytilene Airport                    outside the Mytilene Airport   including Greece, with
        is located 8.2 km from the   BY PUBLIC BUS   Terminal building.        flights from/to MJT.
        city of Mytilene and is easily   Direct Bus Service To   The journey from the airport   Συνολικός αριθμός
        accessible from El. Venizelos   and From the airport   to Mytilene is about 15-20   αεροπορικών εταιρειών με
        Avenue. The journey to and   Information. Transit bus   minutes and the fare is   πτήσεις από/προς MJT)
        from the city centre takes   service is provided between   normally 10€. You may be
                                                                               * total 2017, source:
        about 15-20 minutes.   the Airport and the city of   charged extra, if you carry   Fraport Greece & HCAA
        Kalloni is 47 km away from   Mytilene. There is a public   many pieces of luggage.   ** traffic development
        the airport and the journey   bus stop in front of terminal             (January-December)
        from the airport is about an   building. Tickets can be   Indicative fares from   2017 Vs 2016
        hour.                  purchased by the bus driver.   the airport to popular
        Mythimna (Molyvos) is 70   For more Information please   destinations:
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